Nearly 2 weeks have passed since the return of the biggest Retail Technology Show to date, where industry leaders and experts gather to share insight and explore the latest retail trends shaping the retail landscape.

Over the course of two enlightening days, a range of topics were covered, reflecting the ever-evolving nature of retail technology, with Artificial Intelligence, once again being the hottest topic.


Here are some of the key highlights we took away from the event…


Embracing AI in Retail

From predictive analytics to personalised recommendations, the potential of artificial intelligence continues to captivate retailers. Discussions delved into how AI can revolutionise various aspects of the retail experience, from optimising inventory management to enhancing customer service.


The Evolution of Self-Checkout

Despite its frequency in modern retail spaces, self-checkout technology remains suitable for innovation. Attendees explored emerging trends and technologies in this space, considering the future of frictionless shopping experiences.


Unified Business Management Solutions

In an era marked by complexity and rapid change, the want for unified business management software remains a priority for retailers. Sessions delved into the benefits and challenges of implementing integrated solutions that streamline operations and drive efficiency.


Personalisation as a Sales Driver

In a fireside chat, industry experts shared insights on leveraging personalisation to boost sales and nurture customer loyalty. From tailored recommendations to targeted marketing campaigns, personalisation emerged as a powerful tool for driving engagement and conversion.


Creating Immersive In-Store Experiences

As the lines between online and offline retail continue to blur, retailers are exploring ways to create immersive in-store experiences that appeal to omni-channel shoppers. Presentations offered strategies for leveraging technology to create memorable, interactive experiences that go above and beyond traditional brick-and-mortar retail.


Growth in the Digital Era

Against the backdrop of increased online growth, retailers face the challenge of sustaining momentum in an increasingly competitive market. Panel discussions shed light on strategies for scaling ecommerce brands, emphasising the importance of innovation and adaptability in driving sustained growth.


Lessons Learned and looking to the future

Drawing from personal experiences, industry veterans shared valuable insights on navigating the ever-changing retail landscape. From scaling ecommerce ventures to charting new paths forward, speakers offered a blend of practical advice and visionary thinking.


Find out more

As the Retail Technology Show wraps up, the buzz and connections made are driving innovation in the retail sector. Want to be part of shaping the future? Get in touch and find out how team of experts can help your business harness the benefits of AI and streamlined retail experiences.